Open Thread: Is it Time to Pilot a Sidewalk Bike Lane on Market Street?

By Roger Rudlick : streetsblog – excerpt

Call Them “Sidewalk-Height Raised and Curb-Protected Bike Lanes” Maybe?

Yesterday, I took a ride on a Jump electric bike on Market Street. Ryan Rzepecki, the CEO of Jump, was riding alongside. When we stopped, we talked about how nerve racking it is to ride on Market. We also discussed how comfortable it is to ride in Berlin, where, in many places, rather than stripe a bike lane on the street (American-style, in the gutter, as on Market Street) they stripe it on the outer edge of the sidewalk.

A short time later, I noticed the brick treatment on Market near Duboce, seen in the lead image, and thought to myself: that looks just like a Berlin bike lane.

I fear some readers are already foaming at the mouth. In San Francisco, the mere intimation of putting a bike lane on a sidewalk causes heads to explode (maybe it’s better to call it adding a raised bike lane?)… (more)

As long as they don’t extend the sidewalk into the street by pouring more concrete, it might not be a bad approach on streets like Potrero, where there is a real need for traffic to flow into and out of the hospital with ease, and on the street and parking and delivery must also be accommodated. We should ask the emergency respondors whether this would be a better approach than what they are dealing with now.

4 thoughts on “Open Thread: Is it Time to Pilot a Sidewalk Bike Lane on Market Street?

  1. No better approach possible. The idea is to make market street to actually widen the sidewalks and make it look almost identical to the end of Jefferson street fishermans warf. Putting bikes on the sidewalk is no way an option as they would like to remove all cars from market. So they rather build more rap into the street not off the street.
    Part of the “better market street plan” that no one talks about is mission street. It’s kind of a hidden fact….

    After messing up market more they will publicly make the arguement that bikes need to be accommodated, more people are coming in to the city because of the new trans bay terminal we need safer street and faster buses and use that to change mission street. Which will then be one of two options. 1. Make mission street like Valencia. Or 2. Make mission street exactly like market. Red bus lane a traffic lane and a bike lane no parking.

    This crap is happening all over the state. Iclei, Paris agreement abag 101. Its all bad esp afterthey start on Folsom and Howard soon


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