SF residents are the only casualties in ‘war on cars’

By Sally Stephens : sfexaminer – excerpt

280 traffic on a cloudy day by zrants

San Francisco is a transit-first city. Those of us who live here are told we should use Muni to get around. Or ride a bike. Or walk. But above all else, we should not drive our cars.

To reinforce this, city policy makes it easy to remove existing parking spaces — turning curbside parking spots into parklets — and explicitly prevents new developments from providing a parking space for every unit built. Some have called this a “war on cars.”

If you look at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Strategic Plan, however, it turns out that “transit first” includes prioritizing ride-hail vehicles. In essence, The City wants people to get out of their own cars and into other people’s.

There’s no war on cars in San Francisco if the cars are being driven for profit. Those are welcome here — even if the drivers don’t live here, don’t pay taxes here and, often, don’t even know how to get from one place to another in The City.

No, the war on cars is aimed at San Francisco residents.

A recent report released by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority showed that cars from ride-hail companies Uber and Lyft make more than 170,000 trips — driving more than half a million miles — within The City every weekday. Nearly 6,000 ride-hail cars clog the streets during peak commute hours…

San Francisco’s “war on cars” targets residents to give up their cars, while allowing — even encouraging — people from out of town to drive all over our city, as long as they’re doing it for money…(more)

SFMTA is taking our public streets and selling them to THEIR preferred car-shares and other corporate entities. As if Uber and Lyft and the tech buses weren’t enough of a nuisance, the SFMTA has now invited Scoot to park their Scooters and (4-wheeled vehicles, that some of us refer to as cars) pretty much anywhere they want to. There is a hearing on this matter at the Planning Commission this holiday week on Thursday. If you object, let the Planning Commissioners and your supervisors know. Details are here:

Thursday, July 7, 1 PM
Room 400 Planning –  Transportation Commission

Item 15. 2017-000475PCA CAR-SHARE AND SHARED LIMITED RANGE VEHICLE PARKING REQUIREMENTS [BOARD FILE NO. 170625,  PREVIOUSLY BF 161349] Planning Code Amendment to allow Shared Limited Range Vehicle Parking. (But only Scoot and city-owned vehicles appear to be in on this deal that will hand public property over to city commercial interests.) Private owned vehicles cannot park in Daylight zones. yet, SFMTA’s CHOSEN vehicles may. UNLESS RESIDENTS STOP THIS SCOOT PREFERRED PARKING PROGRAM.

3 thoughts on “SF residents are the only casualties in ‘war on cars’

  1. Pretty good article. But it does make it seem as though sfmta allowing ride-shares is the main problem while citizens suffer. Uber and lyft don’t usually park on street where parking has been removed. They keep driving. Replacing parking or a traffic lane with a bike lane does not effect Uber and lyft. There are a total of about 40,000 Uber and lyft cars throughout the Bay Area. Although previously the sfmta tried to lie and say that those 40,000 cars are causing our congested problems in SF only about 6000 of them drive around SF. They know this because they received the data they requested from Uber a few weeks back.

    We have over 750,000 registered cars in San Francisco. The majority of whom are stuck in traffic in the city while the sfmta makes things worse.
    They’re scapegoating. Trying to put blame on those commuting to the city, visitors, shoppers etc. but that’s total bullshit. Majority of people stuck in traffic are the people that live here caused by their dumb projects. Their “high injury streets and intersections” are all commuter streets with no data to back their crap up. For example majority of bycicles in the city go through the wiggle however not paved a “high injury corridor”. That’s the war on cars.

    Look out for 6th street project comming to you soon. In other words in a month or two with parking removed wider sidewalks etc. that’s a commuter street but according to the sfmta the street with one of the “highest concentration of collisions”. Again more bullshit.


  2. Another example I just noticed today. If you look at existing ride share locations today. They were installed by removing public parking. But if you take a look at the one across the street from city hall on grove & Polk it’s on the sidewalk. The city didn’t remove employee permit parking for that one.


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